Sunday, February 28, 2010

Partners in Crime

Sometimes in life, you get lucky to find a friend really early on who will be there at so many important events in your life. Your first college job, for example:

(God we look young) (and thin)

Your first college party (or parties):

(I promise we were 21...I think)

Someone who will, several years later, stand by you as your Matron of Honor on your wedding day:

Someone who, out of alllllll the people our age who are having babies, will incite the first genuine tears of happiness at this news from your not-quite-ready-yet self:

(At Anna's baby shower. Pardon my crazy red hair and crazy eyes)

And someone who, almost 10 years later, will come home from a long day of teaching and let you help give her sweet baby a bath, cook dinner for you, and share an evening of planning for the next big event together:

I am so excited that Anna and I will be doing yet another major event in our lives together.

From the college years, through boyfriends and finally to husbands, weddings and babies -- now as we both approach (gasp!!) 30 years of age, we will, yet again, be standing by one another for a new milestone as we walk 60 miles together in the fight against breast cancer.

I cannot wait to post the pictures of us together on the walk and as we cross the finish line together! I love you Anna Banana!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Positive Reinforcement

It's unbelievable how much positive reinforcement goes a long way in this journey. I have the most amazing support network of family, friends and even strangers that are cheering me on as I make my health goals a priority in my life and as I commit to training for The 3-Day.

As of today, I have raised $810 towards my goal of $2,300.

Also, I have lost 20 lbs out of the 40 lb weight loss goal I set for myself.

I have been a bad girl about going to the gym consistently, but I have done everything in my power to be active even on my nights off from the gym. My sweet puppy Carmen has benefited from that, since my activity on non-gym nights usually means a long walk for her and Mommy. But, I would rather be at the gym, at least until the weather warms up (for more than a day) and the days are longer. I really don't prefer walking in the dark in my neighborhood, and Carmen is certainly no protection against would-be attackers. :)

However, when I have gone to the gym, I've slowly been building up my endurance. I'm learning how to control my breathing when I jog and how to be constantly aware of my posture. Even though I'm training to walk 60 miles, I figure it's just as beneficial for me to learn how to run. Because after the 3-Day is over, I'll have to set some new goals...maybe even a 5k or 10k somewhere down the line.

As usual, my husband has been incredibly supportive and is happy for me and proud of me. Occasionally he ribs me about the fact that I'm walking that far, and that I'll be "roughing it" (he got an especially good chuckle over the fact that I'll be sleeping in a tent on the two nights) for 3 days. But of course it's all good-natured, and I know he's proud of me.

My friends have been amazing.

We had a reunion two nights ago (Saturday) for a show we all did together a year ago, Crazy For You, which was also a celebration of two friends being in from out of town AND a birthday celebration for one of the cast members. I haven't seen some of these people since New Year's Eve, and some since even further back than that. Kevin was especially proud:

It was SO UPLIFTING to see their faces when they walked in and saw me, came over and hugged me, and commented, "Oh my GOD look at you! You look so great!"

I really did just get tears in my eyes typing that. I don't know what I did to be blessed with such awesome, genuine friends, but I'm thankful for it because they're here and supportive when I need them the most.

I know I've got a long way to go in reaching my 40lb weight loss goal (much less Goal B Of Which We Never Speak Out Loud) and in being able to walk this 60 miles. But damn. I really do feel like I'm over the biggest hump, which was getting started and believing in myself.

I'm so. excited. to see what happens over the next few months!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Let the Training Commence

Since my first blog post, which was also the day that I sent out my mass email to all of my friends and family, I am absolutely thrilled and overwhelmed to say that, so far, I have raised....


$650 towards my $2,300 goal!!

Once I clicked "send" in my Participant Center on the 3-Day web site, the emails of donations and/or words of encouragement and prayer started pouring in. I was genuinely overwhelmed and had tears in my eyes as I tried to send out initial thank-yous to everyone.

I think that 2010 is going to be a banner year...and I think it's time we had one, don't you? I can't WAIT to get going on some of my fundraising ideas and see what can come of them.

I have a few things in the works, but I'm hesitant to mention anything until they are for sure...but stay tuned!

So, today I am going to start back on the workout wagon. I was doing really well for almost two weeks straight (of working out at least 30 minutes every day) until I got knocked over with an upper respiratory infection. I know – excuses, excuses, right? Well, NO MORE.

Last week I turned in my cancellation form to Jazzercise (sad) and filled out my membership form to the UNT Rec Center (yay!). Before you laugh about Jazzercise, know that it was HARD and more of a butt-whoopin' than you might think. Ask Kels, she came with me once! I was sad to have to cancel, but honestly in order to prepare for this walk, I have to get my butt on a treadmill and start working on good old fashioned stamina.

And my husband won't let me pay for both Jazzercise and the Rec Center. With good reason. :)

So tonight, to the gym we go!

I think I'm going to look for some sort of widget or something to keep on my blog to track how many miles I've walked/run as I prepare for this. Any suggestions?

Finally...check out the little iPod Nano on my sidebar. If you click "Menu" you can see some inspirational songs I've chosen to load as people click on my actual blog (you'll have to exit out of Google Reader to see this, if you've got me in a reader or RSS feed). Enjoy, and thank you for your continued support!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Post - Here we go!

Making a change...for the better of myself and for the Greater Good.

That's why I'm doing this.

As you can see from the picture above, I have already started on the change in myself. Yes, you can see a pretty significant change in me physically between the picture on the left (December 16, 2009) and the pictures on the right (January 31, 2009). A 15-lb difference to be exact.

What you can't see is the changes I am feeling inside...spiritually, mentally and emotionally. When I get up in the mornings now, I don't dread getting ready for work because nothing fits me. I look forward to getting dressed in something I haven't been able to wear in months -- even years. AND although my husband probably dreads this day, I look forward even MORE to being able to go shopping for clothes because nothing fits.

More importantly, though, I am happier with myself. I feel better because my body is on my side.

Even MORE importantly...I am humbled and overwhelmed at the opportunity to participate in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure this November in Dallas. I am humbled and overwhelmed by the support and love and encouragement I've already gotten from family, friends, and even virtual strangers.

All I ask in this journey is that you do any or all of the following:

  • Make a financial contribution towards my goal (see the big ol' picture on the sidebar and click away)
  • Pray for me as I make this journey towards a healthier me and as I train for this demanding physical experience
  • Keep me accountable. Ask me how I'm doing, how I'm feeling....encourage me not to give up when I get discouraged or exhausted.

Not so hard, huh?!

I look forward to sharing this journey with you all.

